Dicat Up Kitty (Chicken and Rice)
  • Dicat Up Kitty (Chicken and Rice)
Dicat Up

Dicat Up Kitty (Chicken and Rice)

EAN: 8424160026229

Complete food for kittens from 1 to 12 months of age, as well as for cats at the end of their gestation period and throughout the lactation period, until their full postpartum recovery. Recipe made with prebiotic plants and natural antioxidants.

Nutritional description

THE COMPOSITION: Dehydrated bird protein (chicken 30% min., pavo 5% min., ultra hydrolyzed chicken liver 3%), rice (25% min.), chicken oil, rubber pulp (fiber source), egg, milk, blue fish oil (fatic acid source Omega 3 and 6), natural plant extract 0.2% (malt, yuca, acerola, peanut butter, alcachofa and bitter orange), mineral substances, achicoria root 0.01% (inulin, FOS source), wool (MOS source), amino acids (metionine 0.08 mg/kg).

THE ANALYTICAL COMPONENTS: Gross Protein 40%, Gross Fat 20%, Gross Fiber 1.5%, Inorganic Matter 7%, Calcium 1.5%, Phosphorus 0.8%, Vitamin A 22.000 IU/kg, Vitamin D3 2200 IU/kg, Vitamin E (α-tocoferol) 120 mg/kg, Metabolic Energy 3.957,5 kcal/kg.

THE ARANDANSNATURAL ANTIMICROBIANS.Flavonoids and the anthocyanins that they contain reduce the risk of urinary infections.

ALCATRAZIT FAVORS THE DIGESTION OF FAT AND THE ELIMINATION OF TOXINS.It is low in calories, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (for its content in cinarosides and flavonoids) and is also rich in fiber, vitamins (A, B, C and E), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus) and carbohydrates.

ACEROLASOURCE OF VITAMIN C AND NATURAL ANTIOXIDANT.Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the production of collagen and protects the cells from attacks produced by external agents.

THE ORANGE: DIGESTIVE AND ANTI-DIARRHEAL PROPERTIES.Very good for gastrointestinal health.Combat nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.The dry cortex of this fruit relieves stomach acidity.

BY YUCCA: DETOXIC AND DEPURATIVE.The yield of yuca, with its great amount of resveratrol, reduces the levels of bad cholesterol, improves the circulation of the blood, increases the production of platelets and prevents arteriosclerosis and the formation of thrombs, in addition to neutralizing the smell and ammonia of the feces.


Dicat Up Kitty is a food for kittens up to 12 months and cats in the period of gestation or lactation. A recipe made with chicken, turkey, rice and natural plants. In Dican Up and Dicat Up we've got that flavor by putting as a special ingredient our more than 60 years of experience in knowing what they like. And we've left out of the plate anything that isn't premium flavor and nutrition, no artificial flavors, no unnatural additives for the benefit of your pet

Why are they special recipes? Cat food made with tasty chicken and turkey recipes that's a great source of protein and low in fat. They provide all the nutrients needed for optimal muscle development. Delicious fish (tuna, squid and salmon) to provide nutrients and rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, beneficial for the cardiovascular system, skin and fur of your cat. Whole grain rice, a source of carbohydrates that provide energy benefiting digestion.

We make the recipes with prebiotic plants, to provide all the benefits in the most natural way. Chamomile is a powerful digestive aid. It acts as a muscle relaxant at the intestinal level and thanks to its anti-inflammatory power reduces inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, relieves gas and prevents vomiting. Melisa: Relaxing and calming. It works by restoring body balance, minimizing stress and the imbalance it causes, such as tachycardia and muscle spasms. Rosemary is a natural antioxidant and flavor enhancer. It is a potent natural antioxidant, which acts by preventing the rancidity of food, in addition, its smell and taste improve the palatability of this. Olive: reduces oxidative stress. The combination of nutrients it contains - monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, polyphenols, and flavonoids - makes it excellent. Yuca: detoxifying and cleansing. It reduces bad cholesterol levels while improving blood circulation, increasing platelet production, preventing atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Place the food in the cometer.The amounts indicated in the food table vary depending on the weight, physical activity and individuality of each animal.Any food change should be gradual, over 4 or 5 days, to prevent the appearance of intestinal disorders.The cat should always have clean and fresh water in abundance at its disposal.Note: Keep the package closed well in a fresh and dry place, isolated from the ground and seeking it to be away from the rays of the sun.

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