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Dangerous foods for your pets

· Categoría: Pet food

Many times when we are eating or taking an aperitif and our pet approaches, it puts us face of sorrow and looks at us, we feel the temptation to give him a little of our food.But this is not always a good idea, there are foods that can be dangerous for our dogs or cats.We tell you which you should avoid.

The fish raw it may have bacteria that prevent the cat's proper development, and also run the risk of having anisakis.So overcome the temptation and don’t give it fish without cooking.

Did you know that most cats are lactose intolerant?If you give milk cows can cause digestive problems.In this sense, neither cheese nor other dairy derivatives are good.

The chocolate it is completely prohibited for both dogs and cats: it contains theobromine, which can cause serious poisoning.

Fortunately, neither dogs nor cats need that coffee morning to wake up.Also, caffeine can cause disorders in the nervous system.

Alcohol: Our pets do not tolerate alcohol alcoholThe.They, like people on the wheel, zero alcohol.

If at the end of the year you have the temptation to give your pet 12 the grapes luckily, it is better not to do so, because it can cause kidney insufficiency.

Eggs and spins they can be easily stalled, so we recommend that you avoid providing this type of food to your pets.

The cabbagethe the and its derivatives are very toxic for pets, as they make the red blood cells substantially decrease.

The embedded high in salt and fat can cause our pet to suffer from hypertension or pancreatic problems.However, you can moderately take the cooked, type york or pavo.

The sugar and the sweet they are completely contraindicated to our pets.They can cause weight gain, caries and even the appearance of diabetes.

The products of By Dibaq they are specially designed to take care of your pet’s health and are the most suitable to keep your body in perfect condition.They bring the necessary energy and nutrients taking into account the individual characteristics of each of them, in addition to a taste to which they cannot resist.

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