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Discover the poisonous plants for your cat

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat


Cats are curious animals by nature and with certain instincts, we cannot prevent them from playing, showing their curiosity and investigating.But we don’t consider the dangers they play with plants.For them they are an authentic attraction and need, they use them to purge: their digestive system lacks the enzymes necessary to metabolize the plants and for those swallowing herb helps them to remove, for example, the hair balls through vomiting.

If you have plants at home you should know that they can be a danger for them.

In this article we talk to you about the toxic plants for cats and the most common effects they can have on them if they breast or ingest them.


Many of the toxic plants for cats are plants natural unusual in our homes.Although there are other more common that also contain hazardous toxins for your felin.These are the main:

  • The Lyrics: The lyria and sugar family plants are the most toxic plants for cats.They can cause symptoms such as sadness, loss of appetite or excessive thirst, among many other symptoms.
  • The family of the arches: In this group are diffembaqia, filodendro, caladio, etc.The common symptoms if your cat injects them are hypersalivation and diarrhea.They may also show breathing problems or voice changes.
  • The Adelphs: The toxin containing these plants affects your heart, altering your frequency and rhythm.They present symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, heart and neurological alterations.
  • Plant of Easter: This plant is very irritating for cats.The symptoms they have are: cough, saliva, vomiting and diarrhea.The contact of your wise in the skin or eyes also causes great irritation.

There are other toxic plants for cats, such as ficus, hortensias, ornamental plants such as narcissus and jacinth, acebo, etc.Therefore, it is important that, if you have any plant at home, consult with your veterinarian if it possesses any type of toxin that may affect your animal.


The reason why cats insist on melting the plants is not clear yet.Although there are recent studies that talk about an inherited behavior from their wild ancestors that pushes them to eat herb and other plants to purge against possible intestinal parasites.It is a real need for them.

In By Dibaq we work continuously to offer products that contain quality ingredients, to keep your cat healthy and with a very strong immune system.

We recommend that you stay careful, as soon as we will reveal the authentic food revolution for cats...tic, tac, tic, tac.

What plants do you have at home?And, what’s more important, are you sure they’re not toxic plants for cats?

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