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Do you know the Celtic origin of Halloween?

· Categoría: Pet food

Halloween is celebrated on October 31 and its origin takes place in an ancient Celtic festival of over 3000 years ago.

Today, Halloween is a costume party where children go out to ask for cakes with the famous “track or treat”.Halloween is the contraction of All Hallow’s Eve, or All Saints’ Eve.It was also known as the Samhain Witch Night or the “End of Summer.”.It was a party that celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the new Celt year.

They believed that during this night the souls of the dead returned to visit their homes.They lighted fire to evade evil spirits and used masks to prevent them from being recognized.Thus, the witches and demons were related to this day.

This party continued to celebrate and arrived in the United States and Canada in 1940 through the Irish immigrants, although it wasn’t until 1921 when it began to celebrate in a massive manner having that year the first Halloween parade.
In this way, the rituals and beliefs of previous times transformed into costumes and games today among the youngest.

In Mexico, it is an unforgettable experience for its citizens.It is called the Day of the Dead.Many ceremonies are held to remind family and friends, the tombs are visited to fill them with flowers and gifts and their favorite dishes are cooked.In this country, the Day of the Dead is considered a national holiday.

Have you seen the costumes of this country?

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