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Give the best food for cats in spring to avoid alterations

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat

The longest and sunny days characteristic of spring, flowering and soft temperatures allow you to enjoy much more of your pets.But, like humans, any change of season represents an important moment in the biological cycle of any animal, as in the cat, to whom this spring explosion also affects.This can also affect your eating habits, make sure you always give the best food for cats to your pet.You live in the countryside or in the city, this natural transition can have some effects on your fellow fellow.We’ve commented on some of them so that they don’t surprise you.

Changes in the pelage

If the giant hair balls have gone out of your house and your clothes don’t be scared.For cats, spring is the time of mud, so it will be normal that you find a greater amount of hair during this time of year.It will be good to shave it with myem and with a special peine so that the dead hair falls, thus avoiding the enredings and favouring the birth of the new hair.

The Age of Zelo

Spring is a favourable time for cattle cattle due to the increased light hours.However, the jealousy of these are very particular, they can repeat at intervals of two or three weeks and don’t bleed, unlike what happens to the dogs.Even if your cat is castrated, this will not prevent men from approaching to cutting them.

Cats are also narrowing

Spring comes loaded with acars and other allergens that can cause your cat to suffer narrow or scratch.Some of the main symptoms of allergy usually occur on your skin, so you should observe if your cat suffers from wrinkles, scratching, inflammation or any kind of redness... symptoms that will go worse if you let it scratch.

Pulgas and garras

The warm atmosphere of the spring favors the appearance of parasites, such as the pills and scratches, which can hang into your minine’s hair, which can cause anemia, some kind of dermatitis or the contagion of other microbios.As a precaution, review your pelage with greater assiduity.

More Leishmaniosis

During this time of the year, leishmaniosis disease is more common in a large number of pets due to the increase of the mosquitoes that carry it, the flebotomas, and can become a big problem.In the case of cats, they usually develop this disease with insect bite if they have low defences.As a precaution, it is recommended the use of repellent collars of insects, mosquitoes in windows and doors or some kind of repellent - such as antimicrobial flushes - that avoids the contact of these insects with your cat.

Fat and no appetite

The change of temperature and sunshine hours can make your fellow friend somewhat harder and no appetite.This is normal, your metabolism slows down and your stomach requires fewer food.Furthermore, having more light hours will make you spend more time awake so you are likely to notice more tired than usual and rest for longer throughout the day.In this case you can give them the best food for cats it gives them taste and energy.

Advice for this year

Although most of these symptoms are common among cats, depending on the race and the place of residence, you may not show any specific or very prominent symptoms during the spring.Anyway, we’ll leave you some tips so that your cat enjoy this spring safe, and you with it.

  • Eye with the windows.The rise of temperatures will make you have more windows and doors open at home.Any rescue will be a great temptation for your adventurer friend, so be cautious when keeping holes open outside.

  • Flowers and toxic plants.It is usual to contagion the spring joy and fill the house with plants and flowers.But you have to keep in mind that some are toxic to cats if they touch them or ingest them.Hedra, lyria, hortensia, jacinth, acebo, narcissus or azaleas are some of the dangerous species.Before you decorate your house with plants, inform yourself about what can affect your mining partner.

  • Changes at home.With the change of station we tend to make various remodeling in the home.If these changes are very sharp they can affect cats, which are territorial and custom animals.Pain these changes or works at home.Your friends will thank you.

  • And desparasitation.The proliferation of birds and insects during the spring will make it more important than ever to have a good control of your cat’s desparasitation.Repeat during this time of the year.

  • Take care of your food.Do not miss the habits of your hair during these months.Dedicate more attention and greatly mima your health with natural and high quality products.We recommend the food for cats Fitmin Puritythe products Dibaq Naturally Better (DNM) or Dicat Up.

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