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Guess the origin of the Dachshund?

· Categoría: Pet care

The Teckel present many varieties.They have different colors and sizes and each with their special features.

They are dogs with short patites and long body.They have a great personality and a great smell ability.They descend from the savings and have great qualities for hunting.

The German savoues were called pig dogs or excavators.Crossing with Terrier dogs gave place to the Teckel.

They have three sizes:

and you.

The varieties of its pelage are:
by short
by long
for hard

Long and short hair were the first.As for the color of its layer there is a great variety: Red, cream, bicolor, chocolate, arlequin.

The race has its genealogical origin in Germany in 1840.Initially included long and short hair and 50 years after hard hair.Exclusive books about the Teckel were created among the elitist hunting societies.

In England a society was founded earlier than in Germany.There were exclusive Teckel breeders with a very strict breeding code.

Other countries where Teckel are very popular are Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands and India.

Currently, it is a fashion race and the trend increases more and more.This can result in an irresponsible breeding so please, as long as you can ADOPTA. ?

There are thousands of dogs waiting in the protector a second chance!!!

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