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How to celebrate Halloween with your pet?

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat

Treatment or Treatment?I’m sure you hear this expression, used again and again during the most terrible day of the year.It is Halloween!This popular party which, although Celtic origin has its highest celebration in the United States, has already spread throughout the world and is increasingly rooted in our country.It’s a day to dress up, enjoy with the kids, eat some than another chucheria and take advantage of making a fun home party, but, do you celebrate this day with your pet?We give you some advice about what to do and what not to do with your little hair to celebrate this “attrading” and fun party that travels the whole world every 31 October.

Dresses for your pet: fun with respect

We already know that the costumes for dogs, cats or, in general, for pets can be very fun, “cuquis” or commosive, but if you are thinking of buying one remember that you should always think about the comfort and well-being of your four-foot friend.Keep in mind at all times the mood of your hairy companion, observe if he is comfortable with the costume, if he can move freely or if he tries to get rid of any of his elements, as it can be a clear sign that he is not comfortable with that costume or that something roots or damages him.

Use clean and secure clothes

The first thing you need to appreciate is if your pet is used to carry some kind of clothing or accessory and if it usually causes discomfort.If that’s not so and you decide to put him some kind of attraction, choose holy clothes that don’t press him, especially in delicate areas such as the neck, as it could asphyxiate him, and will make him feel more free and comfortable in his movements.You will also have to take into account the material of the clothes and elements that you put your hairy friend: avoid disguising him with wool-made elements as they can give him too much heat or release hairy that can be put in his eyes and nose.

Remove the unsure elements!

The Halloween party and its add-ons are not for everyone.Avoid placing your dog or cat with masks, hats, adjusted collars or any element that may scare, hang, raise, or make noise.Even small objects, such as buttons or strawberries, are not recommended, as you could stick with them or drag them easily, meaning an authentic danger to your hair.

Avoid your pet to spend a long time “dressed”

Any element with which you “see” your pet will be something unnatural for her, so make it pass the shortest time possible with this type of supplements.If you’re going to go to a Halloween party or if it’s going to celebrate in your own home, wait for the last moment to disguise your hair and remove all the added as soon as possible so that you’ll feel back soon in your natural and quiet habitat.

Be careful with the decoration

You should also not forget the external elements to your four-foot friend, as it can be everything related to the decoration of the room in which you spend the Halloween party.It’s very typical of this celebration lighting candles to create a mysterious atmosphere, but, eye! these can be really dangerous if you’re accompanied by an animal.Not only could it burn but it could produce a fire if it hit the candle with the legs or the tail at any time.That’s why it’s better that you replace these objects with other types of safer lights or lamps for them.

Halloween sweets, always careful!

There is nothing more typical of Halloween, especially if you live it with children, than doing the “track or treat?”For this you will be supplied with a lot of sweets, caramels and chocolates, but be careful because your pills could eat these bullshines or be dragged with their embryo.Do not leave them at their reach to prevent them from suffering from any digestive problems.Try to give it to eat before – you can have a pot with any of our varieties food for Dogs and Cats Dibaq Petcare- and then take out all the “chuches” so that your hair is more saturated and feels less attracted to all the human food that can olive around it.

Enjoy the party together

You will celebrate Halloween surrounded by family and friends.As your hairy companions will accompany you everywhere, enjoy together without forgetting that they are much more sensitive than you to the noise and noise of people.If, for example, you have a dog, you may be scared to see the dishes of other people, with the children’s screams or with the sound of timbres or petards.The best thing to do is to look for a quiet and unprecedented space within any party or event to which you go together during this “terrorist” popular party.

And to enjoy!Happy Halloween.

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