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How to take care of our cat's teeth

· Categoría: Pet care

We should pay special attention to the denture of our cats.The first milk teeth come out at 3-4 weeks of life, and at a few months they begin to change them by the final.The normal thing is that they get old with complete denture, which is 30 dental pieces.But sometimes there may be problems because you don’t carry a good food.The most common problems are:

  • The sarroThey are formed around the tooth and gums due to bacteria and food remains.This accumulation causes inflammation of the glands.This inflammation can result in loss of oral parts or infections if not treated in time.If your cat has bad breath or a brown formation around the piece, send it to the veterinarian.
  • Of Gingivitis: Or commonly called inflammation of the glands.It can appear by the existence of sardine, by poor food or by some infection in the oral cavity.It can cause loss of oral parts or tissue infection.To detect it, it is important to check the gums of our cat to check that there are no red areas that bleed or hurt the palp.

The most common disorders to detect any problem are:

  • Bad breath indicates bacteria in the cavity.
  • Aggressivity, derived from mouth pain.
  • Lack of appetite, or rejection of croquettes against the moist, because it hurt the mastering.
  • Much salivation or mixed with blood.
  • Fever or inflammation.

It is very important to make sure you take a high-quality peanut butter that includes a dental complex to prevent any problem.Alternate dry and wet food and frequently check your gums to remove any inflammation or problem.

What is the dental complex?

Ortiga and ginger are two natural plants with plenty of benefits for our cat’s denture.

Ginger is a traditional plant in India.It is the perfect supplement for the oral cavity.It has properties anti-inflammatory and reduces the possibility of having disease as it prevents inflammation.

Ginger has properties antioxidants so it strengthens the tissues of the gums and teeth and fights the bad breath.Therefore, ginger is the ideal supplement for preventing gingivitis, bad breath and strengthening the gums.

The ortiga, despite its bad reputation, has medical purposes and a infinite of properties.It is a plant that precede the family of the urticacea and is characterized by having hair that with contact irritate the skin.

In addition, ortiga has a lot of nutrients. It brings vitamins, proteins and a high mineral content iron, calcium or magnesium.

The ortiga is a vasoconstrictorthis helps to slow down bleeding.Good for any injury you may have in the gums.In addition, it helps to cleanse the body being beneficial for liver problems and urine infections and helps to reduce sugar levels.

Our entire range Dibaq Natural Moments Cats it is composed of the dental complex ORTIGA+JENGIBRE, which helps to prevent any disease in the glands and helps to take care of them.

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