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Is it better to have one cat or two?

· Categoría: Pet care

Another topic that often causes you a lot of doubt is the time to welcome another cat at home.The coexistence between felinos is a complex matter, since cats have a rather strong territorial character and are not as sociable as dogs.However, although the first contact may become complicated, the vast majority of them end up accepting in the family the new catun member.

The preliminary considerations.

It is important before making any decision, to analyze whether you have the economic resources when welcoming another cat, to be able to keep them in the best conditions and be healthy and happy.In addition, you should take into account the possible unpredicts that may arise related to your health, as the visits to the veterinarian are quite expensive.You should also think about incorporating more bands, toys, scratters, comeders... That means you’ll need more space.

Incorporation of the new cat.

Once you have taken into account all the above, it’s time to present the new felin.

At first, we recommend introducing the new cat progressively and keeping them separate in different rooms for a while.In addition, it is important that you get used to the smell of the other, so you can exchange their toys, diners or beds.You can even let them be in the space of the other, but always separate.

You can give them some awards to associate the incorporation with something positive.All this process could extend to a few days or even weeks, don’t rush, palace things go slowly.

Presentation of the new member.

At the time of presenting them, we recommend that you keep them separate, so that they can be seen, but not touched.You can put one in the port or cage and let the other smell.Another option is to place a crystal barrier or a malle so that they can get to know, since many cats find the time to get into the port.

As always, don’t forget about food!It is the first step to keep them healthy and thus avoid subsequent problems.

From Dibaq, we recommend the range NATURAL MOMENTS CAT.

You have references for cats, sterilized, or Complete Care, the product that prevents the 5 most common problems of cats.

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