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Is your kitty older? Adapt the diet to its needs

· Categoría: Pet food

If in your house reines for years a small pearl, you’ll know their tastes and preferences perfectly.But in the case of your food you can never lower the guard.As with humans, the nutritional needs of a cat will change over the years.

Have you adapted your food to the requirements of a bigger cat?The choice of the type of food will depend on your age, physiological state and physical condition, your race and the type of life you’ve carried before, among other factors.Today we give you some tips on how to feed your older cat to provide it with a better quality and life expectancy.

Food, key when a cat ages

Cats spend approximately 40% of their life in the so-called “third age” and is usually from 8 to 10 years when they start to be less active and to reveal a slower metabolism.Your organs go out, your kidneys and your digestive system will not work the same way, and therefore you will not have the same absorption capacity of the nutrients and fats of the food.

For keep your cat in ideal weight and that your diet is balanced this should not abuse certain proteins, to prevent kidney problems, neither sugar nor calories, to avoid obesity, which can aggravate other side health problems.We recommend a type of food that contains:

  • A moderate content of fat.
  • Carbon hydrates of easy digestion.
  • Essential Minerals take care of the joints.
  • Less calories and sugar to avoid overweight
  • Protein of High Quality low concentration of phosphorus to protect your kidneys.
  • Vitamin B2 and B12 they help to regenerate the blood cell and the central nervous system.
  • Omega 3 and 6 and vitamins A and D reduce cholesterol and strengthens the bones.

Look for the quality of ingredients

Food is key for the cat to be more long-lived, which will need to add adequate health care and healthy living habits.The quality of the peanut ingredients you choose for your domestic cat should be optimal and also contain an adequate amount of proteins, phosphorus and fatty acids.You can search among the various dibaq Petcare Senior Cat Foods it’s the one that best fits your pearl companion of battle.All are made with top-quality raw materials and natural ingredients that favour the minine health and that will help you to be fed in a balanced way.

Soft food for your teeth

Instead of dried food, choose to give your senior cat wet foods that make it easier to eat.This type of food is more soft and therefore easier to mastic when your teeth begin to deteriorate with age, which can cause pain and discomfort and, therefore, loss of appetite.That’s why you’ll have to be more careful than ever with your mouth hygiene and look for a wet food that you like so that you have to exercise less pressure with the mandibula when mastering.

More hydration through food

Adult cats, with age, are losing the ability to feel thirst, but drinking enough water will be essential for their kidneys to work well. That’s why you’ll have to be careful about the water intake that makes your minis and their food will be a good ally to get their correct hydration.If your hair has trouble drinking enough water, the wet food will help you provide extra amount of hydration.Try also to always have your bag clean and with fresh water.

The essential thing for your hairy friend will be that you can keep their appetite, so you don’t need to be as strict as before and if you see your cat prefer one or another thing you can give up a little to their culinary inclinations.The important thing is not to stop eating.And remember that, before any strange indication in your companion’s health, do not hesitate to consult with a veterinarian, in addition to increasing the frequency of reviews.

And continue to enjoy life together!

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