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Loud noises? Learn to calm your dog

· Categoría: Dibaq pets

In full summer season it is not strange that in the holidays of our locations there are strong noises (pirotechnic, orchestras, processions and so on) that can scare our dog.Remember that dogs have a much more sharp ear sense than humans, and these noise usually alter them quite.Even though the sound source is far from our position, often dogs are perfectly able to hear it.

Today from Dibaq Petcare we give you a series of tips and recommendations so you can calm your dog in case they occur.We want to highlight first and foremost that, if it is a problem that you cannot deal with yourself when it is a serious phobia, you must go to a veterinarian or ethologist who will guide you in a more professional way.

First of all, it is essential that we keep calm; if our dog sees us scared, anxious or highlighted by noise, he will do the same.

Your dog may decide to hide in a place he considers safe, such as under the bed or in a corner.In this case, let him stay in his “refuge” and act normally, without feeding that fear going to comfort him.However, it is a good idea to accompany him in the room where he has been refugeed.Once he is calm, you can reward him with a bull so that he associates the attitude of suspicion with a reward.

Wait a good time before you get out to the street after the fear episode, it will be your own dog who tells you with his attitude when it is the right time to get out; don’t force him before time.

If you are on the street, try to get away from the source of noise, but in a calm and secure way.If you run out, the dog will interpret that you are also afraid.

Do not leave your dog alone at home if you predict that near your home will produce a strong noise.We know this is sometimes inevitable, but try to make the least occasions.

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· Category: Dibaq pets
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