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Plans to enjoy with your pet this December bridge

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat

Are you planning to travel with your pet on this December bridge?These four days are already an aperitif of the Christmas holidays and the magic of this time of the year, with the snow shining the landscapes and the Christmas lights lighting many cities, turns this bridge into a bridge in the world one of the best moments to make a escape. Have you ever wondered where you are going to go with your pet?

If you don’t know your destiny, we propose to you to know one of the most beautiful regions of our country, Segovia. Our Dibaq Group factories are located in the Segovian lands, specifically in the town of Fuentepelayo, so we want your pet and you to know this beautiful region, with dozens of perfect plans to accompany your pills.We tell you!

For the city with your hair

The segovian capital is the best entrance gate to start to know the province accompanied by your pet this December bridge.Its proximity to Madrid and its impressive monumental and historic heritage make it one of the interior destinations preferred by travelers. Travel by car with your pet or come by train with your hairOnce you are in Segovia you will be able to enjoy the whole city on foot, because to its heritage beauty it joins the it makes it easy to walk from one side to the otherThe.Enjoy a pleasant walk with your pet through its beautiful and coquets streets, visit its impressive Roman aqueducts and, not to stay without seeing any of its essential points, it passes through some of its three tourist offices, all of them are 'dog friendly-admissing dogs: the Puerta de San Andrés, the Visitors Reception Centre (along with the aqueducte) and the Tourism Office of the Junta de Castilla y León (in the Plaza Mayor).

Dog friendly tourist attractions in Segovia

Soon has also enabled two tourist attractions so you can visit them accompanied by your hairif they do not exceed 15 pounds of weight and obey and respect the basic rules of behavior.One of them is the already mentioned Puerta de San Andrés, which gives access to a plot of the wall, with precious views of the city, and where you can visit also its Interpretation Centre.

The other attraction that accepts pets is the Collection of Titans Francisco Peralta, which is located at the Puerta de Santiago, very close to the Alcázar.The exhibition includes 38 pieces of art that represent characters of theatrical works taken from the popular novelist, classical literature, among others.

In his part, you can consult the website of the Municipality of Segovia tourist with dog in which it informs, among other things, of places, accommodations and restaurants that admit pets.

Incredible Cities to Travel With Your Pets

Visiting small and historic villages is another perfect plan to do with your hair this long December bridge.The province of Segovia also has some of the towns listed as the most beautiful in SpainAs are Ayllon, Maderuelo, Sepúlveda and Pedraza.Four places where time seems to have stopped and where animals and humans will enjoy a charming escape.In the case of Pedraza you should know that its impressive castle allows the entrance of dogs in its indoor courts, which are a delight to visit, as well as in the wall and in the old prison, which is also a delight to visit the dog friendly.

Other prominent villages, not included in the list of the most beautiful, which are also a perfect escape with your pet to miss you through its streets and enjoy its landscapes and castles, they are the villa of Cuéllar, which also allows you to walk through the adarve of its wall; or the Turégano coquet, with a precious castle.

Routes in full nature

If you’re thinking about a more nature-related plan or active tourism, travel with your pet to the Hoces of the River Duratón or the Riaza this is a perfect plan for these days.Close yourself well, take everything you need for your hair and walk!These two natural landscapes in the province of Segovia will surprise you by her beauty and fauna wealthIn the Hoces of Duraton lives one of Europe’s largest colonies of leonated bullets.Both landscapes have good car access to their neighborhoods and simple and long routes along the shore of their rivers that are perfect to travel accompanied by your hair.

What do you think of these escape proposals with your pet for this December bridge?Are you excited to discover the Segovian lands with your four-foot friends? Take everything you need, don’t forget i think about your hairand take advantage of this.”break‘ vacation to enjoy with your most faithful companions.Good trip !

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