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Schedule of vaccinations for pets

· Categoría: Pet care

Vaccinating your pet is absolutely necessary and essential to care for its health.There are infections that can become deadly in cats and dogs and that with the simple gesture of going to your veterinarian and having their vaccine calendar a day you can avoid.

The mandatory vaccines depend on each autonomous community.For example, for dogs in Madrid only the rage vaccine is mandatory, although it reminds: that they are not mandatory does not mean that they are not important.

When you adopt or buy a dog, it is essential that you don’t take it to walk and that you limit contact with other dogs until your veterinarian considers it is well protected by the vaccines that have been given to you.

The most frequent vaccines to be given to dogs start at the 2 months of life, when vaccination against moul and parvovirosis is required.Approximately 3 or 4 weeks later, it is convenient to put the polivalent dog vaccine, which protects against hepatitis, leptospira, moach, parainfluenza and parvovirosis.This vaccine should take a reinforcement at 4 weeks.

At 16-18 weeks of life, it is recommended to put the trivalent vaccine for mouth, hepatitis and leptospira.At the same time, the first rage vaccine should be put.

Annually the dog should be vaccinated against anger and put strengths of those who are vaccinated.

In the case of cats, the first vaccination should be done when this ceases to take breast milk, i.e., approximately at the age of 3 months.Before putting the first vaccine (trivalent feline) it is convenient to make an internal and external desparasitation.This vaccine, the trivalent feline, protects them against panleucopenia, rinotraqueitis and calcivirosis.About a month after this first dose, a second reinforcement should be placed.

If your cat has access to the outside and contact with other cats, it is recommended to vaccinate him also against feline leukemia, which also consists in a first dose and another of reinforcement at 4 weeks.

At the age of 4 months, it is advisable to vaccinate against anger.Although this vaccine is not mandatory in Spain, it is recommended for those cats who go abroad or have contact with other cats of whom we don’t know their health status.

From the first year of your pet’s life, you’ll annually have to go to your veterinarian to give him a memory dose of the vaccines that are necessary for him, since they don’t have an unlimited duration and the protective effects of them are decreasing over time.

It is frequent that pets experience some type of reaction after receiving the vaccines, such as discomfort, inflammation of the place where the injection has been placed, apathy or even a little fever.These symptoms should not alarm us because they are perfectly normal.In case of more severe symptoms, we recommend that you go to your veterinarian to evaluate the animal’s health status.

Remember, if you’re going to travel with your pet abroad, you’ll have to consult in the destination country the vaccines that are necessary for entering the place, since they can vary from one country to another.

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