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Take care of your pet by giving them the best dog food that avoids the threat of fleas and ticks in the heat

· Categoría: Pet care

With the arrival of the summer and the rise of the temperatures, it comes to talking about the threat that the external parasites for your dog, such as the pills and scratches.These small “birds” increase their activity with heat and can infect serious diseases to your hair friend if the appropriate precautions and measures are not taken.It is necessary to give it best food for dogs to face these threats.

We tell you what consequences these parasites can have for your dog, the symptoms of their possible diseases and how to prevent and combat the arrival of these unpleasant companions.

Diseases by garrapatas

Unpleasant scratches kill your dog’s skin and can cause irritation and infection in the area.Sometimes, and through their saliva while feeding from the blood of your hair, they can inoculate certain toxins that cause paralysis, alterations of coagulation, deterioration of the immune system or can get to transmit infectious diseases such as the so-called dog ehrlichiosis, lyme or babesiosis.The symptoms of all of them, usually, can be more or less strong or perceived according to the dog’s immune system.Some of these are sarpullids, apathy, fever or anemia, among others.

Extracting a garpat that has bite your dog’s skin can be something unpleasant and difficult to carry out, but for its safety you should learn how to remove this parasites from your skin.You should take the garrapate as close as possible to the skin with a thin pin and throw it gently but firmly.Without turning or shaking or crushing the garpat.

Puls and allergic dermatitis

The bulbs, like the garras, are an uncomfortable and unpleasant “travel companion” for your dog, as well as a serious problem for your home if their presence increases and it doesn’t cling up quickly.

From the moment the pills attack the animal, they trigger an annoying picour that causes the dog to scratch compulsively.If the pills that attack your pearl companion are very numerous, by choping his blood can cause anemia or transmit other diseases such as pest or tifus.But the most common thing is that the bulbs cause with their spotting the known as Allergic Dermatitis by Pulse Spotting (DAPP), consisting of a hypersensitivity reaction to the antigens present in the parasite saliva.Their symptoms are cramps and erythemas (surface skin inflammation characterized by red spots).

In front of the presence of these “birds” and their consequences on your dog’s health, go to the veterinarian for advice on the use of specific products to end these annoying parasites and treat the affected skin of your dear friend.

Do not play it!Protect and protect your dog

It’s clear that it’s better to prevent than to heal when your dog’s health is on the game.And yours too.That’s why the best weapon against the bulbs and scratches will be prevention, especially with the entrance of the summer.And you’ll ask yourself how to fight his presence and free your dog from his attack... We’ll give you some basic advice!

  1. Maintain adequate hygiene and brushing, especially in spring and summer when scratches and bulbs are more active.The baths to your dog should be more frequent at this time of the year and if you add some specific antiparasitic product, much better.

  1. Check your dog after each walk or at least with some assiduity, since these external parasites are usually transmitted on the street, in nature and through contact with other dogs.

  1. Keep your dog’s vaccination calendar up to date, since, although the risk is higher in summer, the threat of the pills and scratches is present throughout the year.A daily vaccine will make your pet much better protected from any disease.

  1. Choose appropriate preventive treatment.It is possible to acquire specific products and in different formats – collars, sprays, pipets, etc. – to combat the arrival of these unwanted “biches.”.Look for good and quality brands.

  1. Another key to preventing the contagion of diseases from these parasites will be to maintain an optimal health for your dog, in which his food will be fundamental.You can strengthen your immune system and offer you the best natural food for dogs choosing among the various dibaq Petcare Dog Food,

You already know, in summer don’t lower the guard and if you see your dog scratches more than usual and continuously it can be a sign that some kind of parasites or insects are disturbing him.Take care of your skin and hair, and before any doubt, go to your trusted veterinarian.

And let the summer only be so that you enjoy the good weather together!

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