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The benefits of using music to give the best food for dogs

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat

Music can not only be the best ally for the human being, but also for your pets.Did you know that you can get to relax, calm and relieve the stress of your small skin?They are also sensitive and react to certain melodic stimuli, especially those of classical music.It can even influence your appetite, try to give your pet the best food for dogs with some classic symphony and check the results yourself.

In this article we want to tell you the positive effects that this can have on your pets.We don’t think it’s a better day to start music therapy together!

What kind of music should you choose?

You can never forget that your pets can feel anxiety, stress, fear or sadness, among many other states.Situations you can relieve in the simplest way you can imagine: with a little music.And it is that this has multiple benefits for your pet, both physical and psychological.But which should you use?What style?Is it any kind of melody?

According to the experts in the subject, when they listen to certain songs there is no effect on the animals; however, others such as heavy metal or certain striking melodies can cause anxiety and nervousness.Therefore, we must discard such sounds and bet for soft and calm sounds, such as classical music, which is ideal. You’ll see how your pets respond very positively to classical music, generating multiple benefits, a feeling of placidity and relaxation and increasing their happiness.Also interesting are soft rock, symphonic rock, jazz or reggae, which are gaining fans among our hairy friends.

What does music favour?

It is proven that the benefits of music in your pets are physical and psychological, favouring their behavior and even changing their mood.These are its main advantages:

Classical music slows breath and significantly reduces the heart rate of the animal.

It favors relaxation and tranquility.

It generates calmness and decreases aggressivity levels.

Remove the stress caused by loneliness.

Reduce the bricks.

It can decrease some depression.

Increase your level of endorphins.

It raises their mood, increasing their happiness and improving their emotional state.

It improves your immune system, decreasing the chances of developing diseases.

How do you put music to your pets?

Any time of the day is good to put music to your hairy friends, even while you give them the best food for dogsThe.You don’t need to put a headphone.The ears of dogs and cats are much more developed than the ears of humans it is enough to have a small devicea radio, a speaker or a computer.As soon as the music begins to sound, your animals will recognize it and feel its benefits.

If you go home, you can leave them the music put so that they feel accompanied and reduce the level of anxiety when you see you go.The ideal thing will be to condition a stay with your favorite bed and toys to create a family and suitable atmosphere for your pets to spend time alone and so that the benefits of music are more effective.

When to use music as a therapy

You’ll be wondering what’s the perfect time to put music to your pets.In fact, any circumstances will be good to use music alongside your animals.But take advantage of situations that can generate stress and anxiety to use music as therapy.We put you several suitable scenarios to calm your animals with some soft melody:

  • A case of anxiety for separation from its owners.
  • Before going to the veterinarian.
  • Before I go to hairstyle.
  • When you have visits at home.
  • When there are storms and storms.
  • On noise parties or during pyrotechnic shows.
  • When your pet is going to be alone for many hours at home.
  • When showing an aggressive character, hyperactivity or nervousness.
  • To concile the dream.
  • Recovering after an operation.

Music for Your Animals

Although you don’t believe it, there are already music created specifically for pets.It is a classical music adapted to animals, in which it is sometimes it includes sounds of nature, like the brise moving the leaves of the trees, the rumor of the water or the piar of the birds.These pieces make music more attractive for animals and perfect to provoke in them a state of absolute relaxation.

You’re sure you’re already thinking about the playlist you’ll put on your hair.Beware of your reactions and Happy Music Day!

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