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The benefits that pets bring to children

· Categoría: Vestibulum consequat

On November 20th is the Universal Children’s Day!Children are the pillar, the revolution and the joy of every house.And more if they share their home with pets!We want to take advantage of this beautiful day to tell you the important link that can be created among the smallest in the house: the kids and the hair, especially if it is dogs or cats.

If you have children and you are thinking of raising the family with a pet, don’t hesitate!you will become the best friend for your development. An animal at home can be an excellent game companion, a master for his senses and a reinforcement for qualities such as creativity and empathy.We tell you the benefits that pets bring to children!

A good friend for your development

Living with a pet at home will make the kids see him not as a “jook,” but as a living being and a more member of the family.They will learn to be more respectful to animals and to develop the sense of responsibility.Taking care of a domestic animal will make them more aware and partisan of the needs they require daily.All a challenge.Adapt the tasks that involve the care of your pet to the age of the family peeks.Children of the minor age may be responsible for changing water or brushing, and the older people can do more responsible tasks, such as giving them the daily walk.

Teachers of Education and Games

Have a pet at home brings many benefits to the whole familyespecially in the case of children.Dogs or cats can become untouchable companions and teachers for the pics of the house and will also help them to stimulate their creativity and senses, inviting them to discover new ways to play.

Better social and emotional development

Coexistence with an animal at home will also involve an important strengthening in his empathy with other living beings.Children who share their lives with animals have an extra contribution of company and love at home and develop the ability to better understand and assume vital issues such as reproduction or death.

Less feeling of stress and insecurity

Experts say children perceive an important emotional support by pets such as dogs or cats, creating strong affective bonds between them.In this way, animals help children overcome situations of fear, loneliness or sadness, being an important support for them after their parents.Contact with the hair of the house, such as an embrace, can enormously help overcome a negative moment or stage of life, create a safety atmosphere or reduce the stress produced by daily chewing.

Less risk of asthma and allergies

The immune system of children who live with pets from small will be strengthened.According to some experts, early exposure to the hair and saliva of animals causes the children’s body to develop greater immunity to these external agents.Therefore, they will be more protected from the possibility of suffering from diseases such as asthma or allergies.But don’t lower the guard and be attentive to any kind of reaction that may appear in the body of your little ones in the house.In this case, do not hesitate to go to the pediatrist to detect any type of incompatibility.

More physical activity and less routine

Having a pet will be a daily reason of weight to leave the house and perform some kind of physical activity, whether low or high performance.The simple fact of having a motivation to go out to a walk will be something very positive for both the children and the whole family and will help you a lot in case your little ones like to reload on the sofa.A dog or a cat will be an inexhaustible source of activity and children will be able to play with them both inside and out of the house.Physical activity will help not fall into routine, to look for new activities and, therefore, to make your children and you happier.

You’ve already seen the amount of benefits that pets have for children, but if you want to enjoy these hairy companions in family for many years don’t forget to take care of their food. If in your home you live with a dog or a cat, we recommend you use some of the dibaq dry and wet food, prepared with entirely natural ingredients, developed by animal nutrition experts, which will improve the life of your faithful friends.

And continue to enjoy your company for many more years!

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