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The importance of giving the best food for dogs: the benefits of rice

· Categoría: Pet food

You already know Dibaq Sense Low grain?

First of all, let’s start with the pillars and benefits of the range Dibaq Sense.

Holistic food is a philosophy of life, focused on the well-being of the pet.Not only maintain your health, but also improve it through the high-quality ingredients of the recipes.Physically and emotionally.

The benefits of this diet come from these 3 pillars:

  • Natural ingredientswithout any additions.
  • Food focused on taking care of the digestive process.
  • Food rich and balanced

We are increasingly concerned about the origin and treatment of the food we eat.And in pets it would not be less, so we always look for the best food for dogs.Therefore, one of the pillars of Holistic food is the preparation of the recipes with natural foods.

The main thing to be considered so is that they don’t bring anything added and cook with fresh meatThe.In particular, Dibaq Sense is made with fresh ingredients as
meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, prebiotic plants.

The Benefits:

  • Great palatability, more delicious recipes
  • The optimal proportion of nutrients. Balanced nutrition, optimal condition

Why add rice to the recipes?

Rice is the perfect nutritional supplement to the protein of meat as it is a source of carbohydrates.It is indicated for dogs with sensitive digestions or who present intolerance to other cereals.In addition, at Dibaq we cook with peeled and brown rice, making it much more digestible than if it was whole and making your pet's peel the best food for dogs.The most prominent benefits of including rice in the recipes are:

    • It brings energy because it is carbohydrate highly digerable.
    • Hypoallergenicthis is a very little allergic component.
    • It contributes to one balanced dietit does not bring lipids.
    • The Minerals iron, Zinc and Magnesium.
    • Beneficial for the construction of protein thanks to the amino acid.
    • High palatability, rice is an exceptional taste ingredient for dogs.
    • Beneficial for the kidneys low in salt and prevents calculations.

Do you already know what the benefits of a holistic diet and including rice in the recipes are?Well, now it’s time to go to our website, and discover the entire range!

With Dibaq Sense Low Grain covers the needs of all races and ages.With a variety of flavours and monoproteic recipes for dogs with intolerance to certain meats.

Any doubt, follow us on Instagram at @dibaqpetcare and ask us!Will we be happy to help you?

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