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Why is TAURINE a key ingredient in cats?

· Categoría: Pet food

Why is Taurin a key ingredient in cats?

The correct term of taurine is the aminosulfonic acid.It is an animal protein amino acid.The taurine is important for the proper functioning of the metabolism cat and its digestion.In addition, taurine deficiency can result in cardiovascular problems and other problems we will see below.

The proper intake of taurine favors the absorption of good fats from food.

Other animals can produce taurine by themselves, but cats do not.This is why it is important to include it in your food.Especially in cats and cats during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It is difficult to know if our cat has taurine deficiency, especially because the symptoms take more than 6 months to appear.The most common are:

  • Slow development of cats
  • Debilitation of the immune system
  • Aggression
  • Problems in gestation
  • Nervousness
  • Cardiomyopathy

It is important to prevent cats and cats in gestation and make sure you give them your recommended dose of taurine in your diet.Simply, we should look at the composition of their croquettes or latitas.make sure you have taurine.

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