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The best dog food: do you know which meats are best for your dog?

· Categoría: Pet food

The evolution in the dog food market has been so great that there are currently infinity of animal products to choose from.Those made from meats such as chicken, bear or bear, among others, are some of the ones you can find, but it is normal that you feel some confusion when choosing the best food for your dogalways taking into account their characteristics and age.Today we talk to you about the different varieties of proteins, coming from meat, that a dog can consume.

Look at the components

In the face of such a variety of foods, you should always take into account the composition of the products you buy for your dog, such as the amount of fresh meat they contain protein, fats, fiber and other nutrients.The products that they offer Dibaq for dogs they are all natural and cover every stage of your dog’s growth, even if they have any kind of allergy or digestive problem, combining animal meat, vegetables, fish and other foods.

Dogs are usually, there is no problem with digesting meat and depending on your breed or size will change the amount you need, as well as the fat or protein supply.Therefore, you have to keep in mind that in dog food it is normal that there is chicken, cow, pig, lamb, pavo or other without any kind of problem.What should you choose for your dog?We are talking about the properties of some of them.

Properties of Meat

THE CHICKEN. Chicken meat is easily digestible for the dog’s digestive system, which, don’t forget, is different from that of humans, so their diet cannot be the same as our.It is a very protein-rich and low-fat meat, easy to consume and of which dogs usually like their taste.In the line Dibaq Sense you can find the best food for dogsdeveloped primarily with chicken and potin wet and dry form.

AND PAVO. Fatty meat is very good for your dog, so pavous will be a good ally in your hair diet.It is a meat that possesses a great nutritional quality, is low in saturated fats and high in protein and essential fatty acids.In addition, there are abundant minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron.Discover the lines Dibaq Sense salmon and pavoin format humidity and dry.

THE CORDER. It is a great source of animal protein, very nutritive and of excellent quality.Like any red or rice meat, the lamb will be a very good option for a dog in adult age and with a lot of daily activity, since it will provide a greater amount of fat and energy.This does not mean that dogs should not eat bear-based products.On the contrary, a dog's food should contain an important amount of proteins, so this, as well as the previous ones, are perfect to be the first protein to appear in your child's diet.Try the gamma Dibaq Sense The Lamb for your hair.

OF SERVO. Vegetable meat, such as corn, contains a great amount of proteins and has much less fat than cabbage, so it is especially nutritious for your dog.In addition, vein meat provides various key nutrients to keep a dog healthy, such as vitamins B6 and B12, niacin and riboflavine, all of which are beneficial in your diet and present in this type of meat.Try the line Dibaq Sense cerves and jabalí for your dog.You will love!

BY JABALI. It’s one of the most valuable meat of major hunt for the human being, but it’s also for your dog.And it is that the jabalí meat is very similar to the pork, but it is more sweet and aromatic and its fat content is lower - it is practically a lean meat - highlighting also its richness in nutrients. Jabalí is also very rich in potassium.

As you can see, the consumption of meat is something normal and necessary in dogs, always combined with other type of vegetable and seafood products to get a balanced diet and that contains all the essential nutrients for them.We encourage you to try the different products Dibaq for dogs and be your dog companion who decides which is your favourite!

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