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What can you do if your dog eats badly?

· Categoría: Pet food

If you find a usual image to see your puppy look at the hole full of pins with disgnace, apathy or disgust or remolone after revolver a little with the hole the food is that there is a problem for which we can give you some advice.What can you do with a dog who eats badly?What if you eat too much?Any alteration in your food can affect your health and your coexistence, so we recommend you follow some habits to try to catch this problem.

Discover a health problem first

The first step you should follow is, if you suspect that your puppy may suffer some pain or digestive problem, go to your veterinarian to make a routine check and be able to discard any possible alteration in your health.Dental or digestive problems can cause you to lose your appetite, so you’ll have to take measures advised by a professional.

Create a routine: the same hour and a quiet place

Dogs, like humans, should have established routine and eating habits.It is recommended that your hairy friend eat twice a day, always at the same time, creating a daily constant.Avoid giving him to eat just before and after exercise.And if you have more than one dog, feed them at the same time and separately to avoid fighting or annoying.As for the place where you should eat, the best thing is to be quiet and have the least distractions so that you can focus on ending the meal.The.

Do not give him to eat at the table

Sometimes one doesn’t know well how to feed a dogwhat habits are correct and what can harm the health and behavior of the animal.Don’t reward his “bad behavior” by giving him some “aperitive” of human food while you’re on the table and he looks at you with bricks and some like another crying.This act will make you lose authority as a leader in front of your puppy and will encourage you to do it again.Picking between hours can also make you decrease your appetite and feel full with a food that does not offer you the necessary nutrients.Both will benefit.

Look for a good quality product

Another cause of your dog’s lack of appetite may be in the poor quality of the feed or food you’re offering.Like humans, your hair will perfectly distinguish a low-quality product from another that stands out by the quality of its components, with a high amount of proteins, and a good balance between its amount of fats, fiber, hydrates and other nutrients.You should also keep in mind that wet food has a much stronger smell than dry peanut butter, so it will be more attractive to your dog.Try it with it!

Choose an appetizing food!

In fact, it’s a bit about looking for the thought that most appetite seems to your friend, with a taste that likes especially: chicken, pavo, lamb, vegetables... There’s a lot to choose!In Dibaq Petcare for Dogs you can find a wide variety of foods adapted to each type of hair.

Do not abuse of the golosines and awards

It’s not about never giving him a prize, but everything in his just measure!If you eat always between hours some “chuchery” will decrease your appetite and you can also disappear in some problem related to overweight.Planify in advance the bulbs you can give and keep the box after so that you don’t see it or smell it.

Pmistakes: the insuitable

Otherwise, dogs are insatiable.Is it yours a gloton that would be eating day and night?One way to decrease that wool appetite is to plan more activities that include a physical waste for your friend, such as games, walks, excursions or any oasis training with which you will enjoy both!

You know, if you have a demanding hair at home, don’t hesitate to look for a food brand that brings you quality ingredients, such as those you can find in the variety of pearls food by Dibaq Petcareadapted to all kinds of dogs and with all the essential nutrients your partner needs.

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