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How to take care of our dog's hair

· Categoría: Pet care

If you want the hair from your dog friend healthy, brilliant and lustratedit is important that you pay attention to their care.From The Dibaq Mascotas we give you a number of recommendations for this:

  • The first and importante most important thing is that scraps your dog every day.Your dog health professional will indicate the type of brush that is most suitable for your pet’s breed.In this way, you will remove dirt, dust and other elements that you can bring from the street, and you will also favour that no warts are produced.
  • Use a shampoo suitable for your dog.Of course, the use of shampoo for humans is not recommended, but you will have to take into account the type of pelage you have to choose the right soap.If you’re bathing it at home, remember that you have to brush it right before the bath.
  • If you’re not very gentle, leave them cuts of hair your dog for professionals.If you decide to do it yourself, it is highly recommended that you buy a special machine for use in dogs.
  • The food what you give to your dog can substantially influence your hair, we recommend this rich in salmon, which thanks to Omega 3, will make your dog the envy of the park.
  • The the cannabis they are very healthy for your skin health.Give it one or a half a day (depending on its size) and you’ll see how your hair becomes brighter.
  • The exercise it is a fun and great way to keep our dog’s hair healthy.If you do exercise regularly, the production of blood and oxygen will be activated, which will contribute to your well-being and, of course, to sanoining healthy hair.

If you notice sudden changes in your dog's peeling, such as an excessive fall or the appearance of scams or caspas, it is essential that you consult with your veterinarian about the causes and the appropriate treatment in each case.

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