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New trend in dog food: holistic nutrition

· Categoría: Pet food

The health of animals, like the health of people, depends greatly on a suitable food. A well-fooded pet is a healthier animal, much more resistant to diseases and more active in their daily life.This is why many dog owners or cats are starting to worry about what they eat to their companions and choose an appropriate thought, focusing attention more on their composition and less on the fame of a brand.

Within this tendency to take care of our four-foot friends, a concept arises that few people know how to define: the holistic nutrition. This is one of those expressions that can sound a scientific concept and, although in its origin it was, today you can find it in a thousand and one foods as a marketing claim.But.

What does holistic food mean?

The holistic diet refers simply to healthy and natural foodwith which your little friend will get all the nutrients your body and health needs. Is a type of food that, in the end, does not use neither flavorers nor colorants, only products and foods of the highest quality and completely natural.

What benefits can it bring to your pet?

Although it sounds good at simple sight, it is also important that you have very clear the advantages that this type of food can bring to your dog friend.Some of the most known benefits are the following:

  • Avoid Allergy

  • It is a great source of nutrition (without toxic ingredients)

  • Helps fight obesity and digestive problems

  • It helps to maintain dental and hair health.

  • And improves the immune system (thanking the properties of certain foods)

How do you choose the best food for your dog?

When you go to the supermarket, you must look always on the ingredients list containing a pet food. Only so you’ll know if what you’re about to acquire is a nutritionally appropriate feed (based on meat, fish, fruits and vegetables) or, on the contrary, it’s a food with uncommon ingredients.

If we have already convinced you and you would like to try the holistic food for your dog, choose Dibaq Sensea range of dry and wet hypoallergenic foods free of cereals, soy, gluten or eggs. This brand, adapted to all dog races, follows an exclusive elaboration process, based on fresh ingredients of first quality suitable for human consumption. Its fresh meat, vegetables and carefully selected fruits help awaken your dog’s five senses while taking care of his healthThe.Try it and tell us your experience!

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