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Is it a good idea to change your dog's diet?

· Categoría: Pet food

The idea of giving your whole life the same thought to your dog or variing it every certain time is a free decision and on which there is a great division of ideas.But on what there is unanimous is about the fact that the food you give to your hairy friend must be of quality.The best option will be to find a trusted brand that brings you the perfect balance of nutrients and components in your dog’s daily food – take a look at our entire range of foods food for dogsand.

None of the options (changing or not the type of food every certain time) will be wrong.But if you finally get excited, you should consider a number of guidelines during the change.Be careful!

A good thought will cover all the needs

Your hair companion will perfectly distinguish a low-quality product from another that stands out by the excellence of its components, which has a high amount of proteins and offers a good balance between its amount of fats, fiber, hydrates and other nutrients.If you bring your dog a thought of these features, this will grow healthy and happy and you won’t have the need to constantly change food so that it has a variety of nutrients.You already have everything you need!

If, on the contrary, you’re not sure of the quality of the food, you can change your mind every certain time to balance a possible deficit of certain nutritional values.

If you see that your dog eats badif you don’t have enough weight or you may have some food deficiency, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian so that you can detect any anomalies in your child.

Do not change frequently

When you see your dog has a normal and happy life, if it’s in his right weight, his skin and hair looks healthy and his energy level is normal, you don’t have to worry about changing his mindset.Everything will be right!If your dog receives adequate food, which makes him feel full, changing his food could make the new one doesn’t like him, that it doesn’t fit the new components or even that any of these are allergic: every new product you try will have different components to the previous one with which your hair body can react.

The ideal thing would be that, if for any reason you want or need to change your dog's mind, you choose another product of the same brand or a similar one.As for times, do it gradually; keep in mind that your dog’s stomach will need a few days of adaptation to assimilate the new food.

A process of adaptation

If you want to change your dog’s food correctly, you should not do it suddenly as this could cause discomfort or stomach problems: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, among others.That’s why it’s important that, in the case of variing your food, you do it gradually and gradually, following some adaptation guidelines over several days.Let us give you an example:

  • Days 1 and 2: Mix 20% of the new food with 80% of the old.
  • Days 3 and 4: Mix 40% of the new food with 60% of the previous.
  • Day 5 and 6: Mix 70% of the new food with 30% of the previous.
  • Days 7 and 8: Mix 80% of the new food with 20% of the old.
  • Day 9: Give him 100% of the new thought.

That yes: if your dog suffered any digestive alteration, remove immediately the products that he is taking at those moments and take it to the veterinarian so that it is a professional who makes him a personalized and suitable diet to his characteristics.

Stages of change: rotating is necessary

The rotation in food will be convenient in the growth stages of your little, i.e., when passing from a dog to an adult and when this passes to be a senior dog.In these cases, you will have to offer your hair a specific thought for each of these stages and remember that you will also have to do it gradually.

  • Dog to Adult: a newborn dog will first pass through the distillation phase and then begin to consume specific solid food for cats.This type of dogs are richer in protein and fats than those of adult dogs.Dog feeding will continue until 12 months in small and medium dogs and until 18-24 months, in large and giant races.
  • Adult to Senior: an “old” dog will have less activity than one that is in his adult age, so the amount and type of nutrients must adapt to his new living conditions.Your hair will need in this stage components that provide protection for, for example, your joints, that help you to maintain your musculature, to avoid hypertension or have a lower percentage of fat.

Following these tips, remember that there really is no unique method to switch from food to a dog and that each of these guidelines have no reason to work on all dogs.Always a gradual approach to any change will be the most proper to be correct, but the veterinarian will be your best ally to solve any doubt or problem about the food of your hair friend.

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