Artículo DiBlog

Dibaq Natural Moments The Puppy Medium

· Categoría: Pet food

The Recipes of Dibaq Natural Momentthey are cooked using meat and fish as the first ingredient, offering up to 92% of animal protein to conseguir optimal digestibility.Its complete range for dogs provides nutritional solutions adapted to age (chors, adult and advanced age), size (small, medium and large races) and functional needs (high activity, tendance to overweight)

Dibaq Natural Moments it improves digestion by stimulating defences with natural prebiotic herbs.Care and protect your gastrointestinal health with FOS&MOS prebiotics.It will improve your immune system and thus will reflect it in the brightness of your pelage.

The recipe The Puppy Medium it is intended for middle breed pets with 92% animal protein.It is made with chicken and pavo, dental complex, natural antioxidants and prebiotic plants for a healthy digestion.

It is our reference star for its benefits and palatability.Dogs enjoy their cruising croquettes while taking a fully adapted pins to their age and race.

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