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Caring for your pet's litter box is as important as giving it the best cat food

· Categoría: Pet care

A new cat has arrived in our lives and we must adapt our home for its arrival.Now it's only left to decide where we put his bed, his couch to give him the best food for catsthe water, its scratch, and what do we do with the sand?

The first thing we need to think is that, to avoid unwanted odors, the most suitable site is one that has a good ventilation.You should also keep in mind that if there is more than one cat in the house, we should have more than one sand so that they don’t have to “do tail” for their use.

Since cats are animals with a great sense of hygiene, it is convenient for the sand to be as far away as possible from their food boxes.It is also important to remember that it should not be placed close to households that can make a lot of noise, such as washing machines or washing machines, because it can scare them and stress them when doing their needs.

One of the most used places is the bathroom, although sometimes it can be a place with little ventilation or with little space.For these cases, there are corner shapes that can be a solution in places of reduced size.Consider the digestion of your pet for these moments and provide it with the best food for cats avoid additional problems during the process.

Some of our customers have solved this by putting the sand inside the shower or bathroom dish, although if we only have one of these sanitaries at home, it can become a bit uncomfortable.

If you have a room that we don’t use to sleep, it can also be a good place to place the sand.First of all, we have to keep in mind that it has to be a quiet place, where the cat can do their needs, because no one likes us to interrupt us in those moments, right?

With an adequate sand hygiene, we will have no problem having it in any of these stays and it will be the cat itself who will indicate us its place.

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