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How to feed an adult dog

· Categoría: Pet food

Your dog, during its growth, will pass through different stages, variing its needs and, therefore, its type of food.Choosing one or another type of food and amount for an adult dog will depend on various factors, such as its size and energy spending.But there are certain issues you must take into account to alcan the best nutrition and that your partner grows healthy and strong.

When is it important to change food from dog to adult?

The change in the food for your dog it should be done between the ages of 6 and 18 months.From the first half of your dog’s life, their nutritional needs begin to change and it is recommended to go gradually reducing the energy supply to prevent the dog from growing too fast.After leaving the puppy products you can start giving them adult dog food, providing them with an adequate intake that helps you maintain a healthy physical state and avoid health problems.

Be careful with the quantities!

You will have to be very careful when choosing the amount of food you give to your hair companion.Both a defect and an excess of food can harm your dog’s health, although the most important danger will be in a overfood, which could lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular or intestinal problems, among others.The optimal weight of a dog is generally obtained when his edges are easily noticed by touching the chest area, without a too thick layer of fat by the middle.Achieving a balanced weight for your dog will be one of the most important challenges you will face throughout his adulthood.

How is your dog?This will be your needs

The breed, size, lifestyle and health of your dogs can make a big difference in their diet.

  • Small races. Generally, it is thought that big dogs need to eat more than small dogs.But it is not so.A small dog has a faster metabolism, so it can get to demand up to the double of calories than a larger dog.Therefore, the size and formula of the food is adapted to each type of race.

  • The big races. Larger dogs usually have slower metabolism, but, of course, their appetite is greater!That’s why there are specific formulas for major-size races, with larger snacks and that make them mastic more rather than drank the food.In addition, a lower fat content and a higher protein concentration will help to control your weight.

  • Physical activity . The level of activity will be another determining factor in the amount of fat needed for your hair companion.There are diets for active dogsthey provide a higher level of fats, proteins and vitamins.On the other hand, a low-fat diet will be more suitable for less active dogs, avoiding unwanted weight gain.

  • And gestant dogs. Food can also change if your dog is pregnant or after childbirth.In these cases, it is sometimes advisable to return to the dog food to provide the mothers that calories and additional nutrients needed.

  • Food sensitivity . Some dogs may develop certain sensitivities to some foods, so they will require a special diet that the veterinarian can help you prepare.The products Dibaq Sense they are an exclusive solution to take care of your sensitive dog’s food, avoiding allergies and digestive problems.

When and where to eat

Dogs, like humans, must have a food routineThe.It is recommended that your friend eat twice a day, always at the same time, creating a daily and constant habit.Avoid giving him to eat just before and after exercise.If you have more than one dog, feed them at the same time and separately to avoid fighting or disturbing.

It will also be important that your dog always has water, not only when eating, but at any time of the day and during the night.

As for the place where to eat, this should be quiet and without distractions, away from the possible agitation of domestic life, and to protect against the weather.

What nutritional needs does an adult dog have?

Protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and oligoelements are the main nutrients your dog needs.With them you’ll be providing him with the energy necessary for him to perform all his vital functions and to stay healthy.Remember that ldogs are omnívoric and therefore they should not only eat meat or carnivorous proteins.Although this is the basis of your diet, your digestive system is also prepared to tolerate non-animal ingredients in small amounts, which will provide a amount of beneficial proteins for your body.However, the nutrients of meat should be the basis of the peanut diet at home.

Ah !And if you decide or have to change your dog’s diet, do it progressively, with a transition of about 7 to 10 days to avoid possible digestive disorders.

What items should you not let you eat?

In addition to knowing what to eat your dog, it is important to know what you should not give him:

  • Avoid feeding your dog with the surplus of your food, as you risk disbalancing his diet.

  • Capriches and extra, such as snacks, snacks, or animal cookies, should not exceed 10-15% of the daily intake.Limit these “premies” and their usual use.

  • Don’t give it chocolate for humans or let it go their scope.Even a small amount can cause problems to your pearl partner.

  • Plants and vegetables like cabbage, laurel or tomato can be very toxic to your dog.

Dibaqpetcare products for adult dogs

Discover all of our food marks for dogs choose the one that best fits your pet.All of our food ranges are natural and will cover all the growth stages of your hair friend.

And remember that knowing your dog well and knowing what their needs are, will be your best guide when choosing their daily food.

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